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  • Writer's pictureDan Brereton

Wolf sets a standard on her empowering new single 'High Waist Jeans'

Photo: Julia Wolf

When listening to music as I work, many songs often fade into the background. Everyone’s ears eventually become numb to the same pop production that dominates most playlists. Because of the monotony, I know we all appreciate the feeling when a hook, lyric, beat, or timbre breaks our focus, forcing us to click back and hear the song again.

Wolf’s latest single, ‘High Waist Jeans’, had several pieces that shook me awake at my desk. What caught my attention first were the lyrical landmines Wolf lays in the hook. References to Versailles and Orpheus of course pique the interest of a nerd like me. As she makes clear in her short Spotify bio, Wolf values “lyrics over everything”. Admittedly, the track doesn’t have an incredibly memorable drumline or complicated melody, but the rich production supports Wolf’s deep, almost numb, delivery. You can almost feel her gritting her teeth as she delivers a message to anyone that tries to hold her down.

The hook of course drives the focus of the song. We immediately conjure images in our heads of a woman flaunting what her ex won’t ever have again. Wolf decision to use high-waisted jeans was easy, she says,

"I think when wearing any piece of clothing you love, you feel good about yourself, and that feeling is similar to when you accomplish your goals and have moments of success. There’s an energy you radiate that’s almost contagious, and it brings people out of the woodwork who don’t necessarily want to see you succeed but instead want to live in your head ‘rent-free."

Wolf makes it clear that she is “really italian [sic]”, and I have to wonder if this song is a rejection of both Italian machismo and female subservience. Growing up in Queens with an Italian family, I can understand where her strength and independence come from. In fact, Wolf tells me:

"I want this track to be a voice for girls who have experienced the same issues. I’m hoping people can relate to finding power in doing things for themselves and not basing life around someone else, because we're absolutely capable, despite people underestimating us."

Throughout the song, Wolf laces together a narrative about a competitive, independent woman. References to beer pong and being a boss let us know that she is here to play, and here to win. Even though he’s trying to drag her down, badmouth her, and distract her, Wolf won’t let anyone get in the way of the success she deserves. Even on my tenth listen, I was still finding meaning and hidden double-entendres in the song.

When I read up more about her life and listened to more of her music, I was unsurprised to learn that she has a range of expertise in both pop and classical music. Wolf speaks Italian and can sing beautifully in the language. That type of appreciation for multiple genres shines through in her latest single. Mixing styles is of utmost importance to stand out among the already saturated indie/pop scene. However, this song’s urban drumline, floaty guitar, and pop saturation combine with Wolf’s well-tuned voice to drive home her rich lyrics.

While she has a few singles and EPs under her belt, we really want to see more tracks like High Waist Jeans. This up-and-comer has an ear for what’s fresh and new, and the boldness to combine styles to give us what we need to hear. All I can ask is that Wolf lean-in to her poetry as much as she can: we need more smart women to make us think. As she matures, I’m hopeful for the next single to shock me as well as this one did.

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